Last Updated on September 10, 2020 by Alex
In his first book titled “Republic”, Plato discusses a dialogue between Socrates and Thrasymachus, a Sophist orator. This discussion serves as the main philosophical platform which touches on various aspects of life such as the nature of truth, justice, and law. “I proclaim that justice is nothing but the interest of the stronger,” Thrasymachus tells Socrates. In this context, we believe corporate responsibility should consists primarily of accountability despite the fact that in this day and age might does not necessarily make right. To illustrate, brainpower can and often does overpower financial strength. Still, corporate responsibility is greatly needed as corporations are literally taking over traditional roles government used to have. This is particularly true when it comes to information, news, and information technology.

Corporate accountability does not only mean being accountable to the shareholders, employees, and vendors. Corporations such as Google, Disney, and Facebook are also accountable to the public in general. An example of this can be seen in the recent legal debacles Facebook is facing with respect to violation of privacy rights. Here at CSR Academy our main focus will be fake news and social accountability (and responsibility). Marshall McLuhan said the medium is the message, and philosophers such as Max Weber, Martin Heidegger, and Friedrich Nietzsche believe that truth is relative and similar to looking through a prism since it changes depending on who is looking thorough it and attempting to decipher it. In certain cases you can side with these types of philosophical approaches, at other times the levels of deception and deliberate misinformation of the public for personal gain is so obvious that even a child understands the ruse.
This is why the staff and management here at CSR Academy has been working day and night in order to monitor and identify fake news reports which also include advertorials and infomercials designed to mislead and bait innocent victims into signing up for fraudulent Forex trading software. You should know that the large Forex brokerages operate as corporations, and have their own board of advisers. Many of them are traded on exchanges such as the AIM in London or DAX in Germany, but there are also unregulated entities which operate in a compartmentalized manner and make sure that there are never two people who understand the full scope of the operation. Our aim is designed to track down their websites and provided real and relevant information which will help you make a more informed decision about which system is best for you.
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